Friday, June 13, 2008

GAAHHH! urge to vent

OK currently I have a media project that I'm making which is for once not a comedy but a very serious drama about death and depression entitled "The Light" and being in upperschool now I get to take the camera's home! Oooooh! Finally the chance to do realistic storylines and more complex ideas that make sense! OK first step: Scriptwriting! OK that was pretty easy although did go through at least 3 different ideas (most of which involved death some how) before settling on "The Light" (previous ideas include "untitled" and "Zeljko") Step two: Storyboarding! OK no simple storyboard for me I'm going to draw the entire dam thing shot for shot! All 118 shots! Yes took me about two weeks to do that, hours and hours of work but in the end it was pretty good and I liked it... then came step three: filming and this is where the stress begins...

OK for this film I need a very specific room in the school which has a spotlight in it. The drama room to be exact. OK the problem with this is for at least a week after me finishing the storyboard it was being used and intermittedly when we needed it ect not to mention sometime's it was just plain locked. Extreme "grr" to that little set back but no worries we got that filming done and imported it onto the computer! Step four: Editing! OK worked easy enough getting the footage onto the computer... opened up the school's brand new copy of Adobe Premier Effects 3.0 and everything went fine... up until the point where I pressed "play" and turned out ALL the audio was at least an octave too high.... yes things instantly stop being dramatic/depressing and sombre as soon as someone goes "I'm dead" in a CHIPMUNK VOICE! BAH! OK not to worry the file itself is perfectly fine it's just the program screwing up OK let's try a different computer....

... no wait that doesnt work either! Unfortunately the effects needed for this story, although simple, need a more complex editing program than windows movie maker! totaly piece of junk adobe! I trusted you with my media project! My only assessment of the term! My hobby my future career my time and effort into your abilities and you fail me....

... you failed me Adobe... you must now die....

Anyhoo editing problems aside which was stressful as anything there was still filming to do with the lovely and wonderful actress who I had hired (as in "hey do u want to be in my media project?" "yeah sure") so we sat there waiting until everyone had gone home to do the first scene (which involves having no one around) so we sat and talked and laughed and it was fun it was a lot of fun really it helped relieve the stress of having to deal with Adobe not working and my assessment being due very very soon. It went well there were no real problems and after that we went to her house to film a different scene....

.... got inside, opened bag "Hey what did you do with the storyboard and script?" "I thought you had it" ... and that's when it dawned on us... that it was 20 minutes away by car... on the boot of someone's car... at school... and it was a bit windy. Oh and its Friday today! so we won't know what happened to TWO WEEKS OF NONSTOP WORK for at least two whole days now! :D

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