Thursday, July 10, 2008

Editing and BoD Update

JUNE 19th!? I've been away so long... I've left my trusting blogger audience of... zero... alone without a blog for nearly an entire month!? How can anyone ever forgive me!? I implore you for forgiveness even if you profess to care I'll still- anyway enough pitiful behaviour (mwahaha bow before me! For I've got a hold of your ankles! Begging... ultimate stealth for the ankle grabber) I'm here to talk to you people about Editing! (dramatic music plays) Oh I love this song it's so dramatic! Anyhoo (is that even a real word?) I've decided that if I'm ever going to get round to making new videos it'll be during this short 2 week holiday I have so I'm editing a little video done with my delightful old grandmother who is truly wonderful (hello! If you ever read this then how on earth did you figure out how to turn the computer on let alone get one!? Old people and technology!? SMS texts are never safe again...) and I've realised that in the final scene (there's only two it's kinda major here) there's a conversation... and she has more lines than I do... and for some reason they aren't written down on the script so I say something, she says something in response, she says something else as in response to something else and then I say something else that isn't a response to what she said... she's saying more than she's supposed to and I'm saying less than I'm supposed to...

But never fear! For I am a great editor and shall bring you hilarity in the form of... patched together clips salvaged from a debacle I can only fix through the magic that is my editing skills.... refilming bits are out of the question because she's moved house so oh well...

Bilby of Death. Oh yes it's coming along nicely in script form now has nearly 5 whole episodes, finally has a story to it and I have no idea how hard this will be to make... we'll see how the first episode goes and then work from there and if it turns out to be too dificult you're going to have a massive wrapping up in two episodes the likes of which you've never seen since Hellsing! Which was wrapped up pretty quickly and not all the loose ends were tied up... I want more Hellsing! And I don't like the OVA's too much they're done differently... OK in some bit's theyve done the fighting really well but then there's the other aspects where they made the character's too generically cartoony instead of gothic bluesy that was the charm of the Hellsing series... or at least that's what I think it should be like...

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