Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Anger. It consumes us. It makes us go RRRAARRRR!!! Then hurt people. It causes us to rage around saying mean things to people but then again they deserve it? How can you tell? This is an out of context, completely unexplained minimalist hypothetical situation and so if you answered anything then RRAARRRRR!!! You're WRONG! (and a bad person and you smell. I don't actually know this but I'm angry at you so I'm going to say mean things.)

Many people say things that are wrong and stupid. You for one are reading this blog which is a very stupid thing to do... you're wasting your life. Haha the more you read the more you waste your life while I mock you! (Well aren't you double the dumb?)

Anger also prevents us from apologising when we're obviously wrong. It also makes us arrogant and think we're above the other person. This is not one of those times. I know for a fact that I'm right! (Now that statement no one would pay any attention to but when you think about it it's very complex and weird. For you see, I say I know that I'm right that you're wasting your life reading this blog but to tell you that I'm right about it you must continue to read after I have told you to stop and thus if you stop reading before I say it I'm wrong... But if you've read this explanation then I'm right. And I'm still right. I'm continueing to be right! Why do you continue to prove me right!? I pity you...)

That is, assuming I am right... but if I'm not then I'm wasting my life saying you're wasting yours (but then how am I wrong if this is pointless for me to do how does it become meaningful for you to read?)

*ding ding*

Existentialism time!

Well OK I have something and you try to find a constructed meaning in it... it is part of the goal of Atheistic and Theistic Exstentialism and there is such a thing as meaning or value in both. It is essential an individual creats meaning in life themselves...

OK that... meant nothing to my arguement. Absurdism! The pursuit of intrinsic or extrinsic meaning in the universe is a futile gesture but the pursuit itself may have meaning...

OK.... that actually didn't go where I wanted it to go. I wanted it go "There is no meaning but you can try to find it." Well that was fascinating wasn't it? Oh yes... oh and by the way in nihilism everything is pointless entirely and without question! And that makes me AAAAANNNGGGRRYYYY!!! (rar!)

Well here I am... wallowing in ANGER (Which is now in CAPITALS) because Nihilism done hurted me. There should always be a reason behind things. A good reason. Having good reasons behind things prevents ANGER from happening. I feel that if you are angry at someone you shouldn't overreact but if you're angry you obviously have a reason to be angry and this very fact should hint that the person who did the angerering (that's a word!... like, yeah, totally) should probably rethink their motives behind their actions. If they actually didn't do anything perhaps the person who got angry is just suffering from psychosis and is crazy?

I like to think that this imaginary person with no connection to life (non-mimetic in every sense of the word. Down to the tittle) isn't crazy and therefore has a reason. To say the person who supposedly did the bad thing is the only one to think things through is to say that the angered person is infallible and since they're not the pope (who doesn't get angry so we've instantly ruled him out at the beginning) then they too need to reconsider things.

OK so let's both put these imaginary people in the naughty corner in opposite sides of the imaginary room thingy... of... stuff. OK no. No I say they'll be in a large stadium! For playing basketball! No! Icehockey! (We're talking about ANGER here so duh!) OK so everyone needs to calm down and decide who exactly went wrong...

The problem is in many situations both of the people did something wrong. This is not the case. (Why? WELL BECAUSE I SAID SO! RRAAARRRR!!! Plus, it's a lot easier to say one person's wrong if you're angry so you don't have to blame yourself... that and there's too many variables in two people being wrong. Even more complicated if there's a third person who comes in wearing silly clothes. Or maybe one of the peoples clothes? THAT would probably get someone angry. "You stole my clothes!" "You killed my mother!" "She lied to me! She said we could both kill your mother!" "What? Who are you?" "Who are you!?" "Who's talking!?" "Who said that!?" "I'm androgynous!" "You're imaginary! And text! How can we tell?" "Because he just told you." "I'm a girl." "Aha! Proof you're androgynous!") So Person A has done something that has upset Person B and now Person B is experimenting with Voodoo dolls while Person C starts setting fire to Person A's house because Person D is dead.

No I just realised that this is incredibly ridiculous! What the hell? Oh for let's just say Person A did something bad, Person B has every right to be angry but shouldn't yell and go RARRR at Person A because of something I call regret.

Regret. It consumes you... it makes you go waaaaa!!! Then hurt yourself. It causes us to wallow around saying pathetic things to people but then again they deserve to hear "sorry"? How can you tell? This is an out of context, completely unexplained minimalist hypothetical situation and so is you answered anthing then waaaaa!!! I'm sorry for not explaining this! (I'm a bad person and I smell. I don't really but I'm regretful and so I'm going to say mean things about myself.)

Many people regret things that are wrong and stupid. You for one are reading this blog which is a very regretful thing to do... you're regretting wasting your life. Haha the more you read the more you wasted your life while I mock you! (Well aren't you double the dumb? "Yes! Yes I am! I'm sorry! I feel so bad...")

Regret also prevents us from standing up when we're obviously right.... because then the other person will get ANGRY at us.

So to conclude: we're trapped. Help. We're in a vicious cycle! We can't escape! We're just going to go from ANGER to regret to ANGER to regret and then repeat because we don't like to accept the idea that maybe we did something right... or maybe we're wrong... or maybe we're just plain confusing... The person who wins is the one smart enough to give a proper reason as to why someone else did something wrong.

This has been an unusual and, as always, unhelpful explanation to why I believe my conclusions are rational and not motivated my anger. Or was it? Now that statement is something you wouldn't pay attention to but when you think about it it's very complex and weird... because you see I said it was hypothetical and imaginary so was I talking about myself or just an example of what I would do? (Yes, I break into Ice Hockey rinks to be angry...)

For you see, you're wasting your life reading this blog... because it's very very repetitive...

Repetitiveness. It dulls us. It makes us go AAAGGHHH! Then try to kill ourselves. It causes us to bang our heads against the walls saying random things to no one but then again maybe we deserve it? How can you tell? This is an out of context, completely unexplained minimalist REAL LIFE SITUATION so if you answered anything then AGGGHHH!!! You're giving in to the repetitiveness! (and you're a bad person and you smell and you're a bad person and you smell and you're a bad person and you smell and you're a bad person and you smell and you're a bad person and you smell and you're a bad person and you smell and you're a bad person and you smell and you just skipped this didn't you smell and you're a bad person and you smell and you're a bad person for not reading this because I'm actually typing this not just copying and pasting you smell and you're a bad person and you smell and you're a bad person and you smell.... I don't actually know this but I'm repetitive so I'm going to repeat myself repeat myself repeat myself repeat myself.)

Many people say/do things that are repetitive and boring. You for one are reading this blog which is a very repetitive thing to do... you're wasting your life. Haha the more you read the more you waste your life while I mock you! (Well aren't you the dumbest person on earth for reading this far?) Many people say/do things that are repetitive and boring. You for one are reading this blog which is a very anyone who reads this sentence will have gold. life. Haha the more you read the morI promise you riches if you comment saying the word Arkansow dumbest person on earth for reading this far?) Many people say/do things that are repetitive and boring. You for one are reading this blog which is a very repetitive thing to do... you're wasting your life. Haha the more you read the more you waste your life while I mock you! (Well aren't you the dumbest person on earth for reading this far?)

Have a nice day. For you are free now. I have released you.

1 comment:

Viola said...

bahahaha that was a kool post.. i laughed a lot. i enjoy being angry sometimes. RAAAAAAAAAAAR it makes me feel like im doing something instead of just like sitting around u no? and sometimes i'll be having a fight with someone and i just start laughing which stops me from being angry which makes me lose all the really great, mean comebacks that entered my mind

oooooooh how i love comebacks :)


bella x