Friday, September 5, 2008

You are wasting your life

I recently got an offensive comment on one of my blogs (FINALLY! Come on people you too lazy to comment?) which I then deleted because quite simply his opinion was WRONG! And also involved disgusting images of old men which still haunt me now... I'm very distressed at that... someone lobotomise me I haven't felt this peturbed since 2girls1cup. (sick... sick... video...) This has inspired me to write this little blog (not a MINI-BLOG because it will probably grow quite large in comparison to MINI-BLOGS or even the brain of some people) about how quite simply... you are wasting your life! I don't think you quite get this... you ARE wasting it and you are wasting it without caring. OK quite simply someone told me I didn't understand irony... which was ironic because they didn't understand what I said that was ironic thus they thought they were superior when really they were moronic (YES THIS IS IRONIC! I checked the dictionary...) and the stupidest thing was he then told me that my blog was boring...

... wait... you're calling me an idiot who is boring and has no life... yet YOU read a FOUR PAGE blog about NOTHING all the way to the end before you commented on the end and said something that wasn't even correct?...

... I see...

... YOU ARE WASTING YOUR LIFE! Who reads 4 pages of something they don't like!? STOP READING MY BLOG! I said multiple times within the blog that the blog itself was pointless and that they shouldn't be reading it and no one would care ect and yet they complained! Complained in an inefficient and non-factually sound manner! (grr rarg me turn into Hulk over internet people's stupidity!) I'd just like everyone to know that they are wasting their lives here... I'm sorry, but, you know... you are. OK not only are you wasting your life reading this blog (which has solely become about previous blog entries? Ye gad!) but just stop and think about your personal lives for a moment and think to yourself what are you actually doing with them? What do you do? Do you actually do something other than the same boring job everyday? Is your job really helping lots of people in different and unique ways? (If so then good on you! If not then do something besides your job!) Seriously when was the last time you just went out and had fun? If you're at school do you actually do work? Do you actually go out and live life to the fullest and always either do something productive or fun? DO YOU!? I don't know but I'd like to find out... apparently... just... go outside or something... you're all so boring and no one has given me a comment that wasn't pointless so yeah... I'm wasting my life too so what? Stop pointing your finger at me and go do something yourself! Maybe I'll follow your example? (The example I told you to set for me?)

Goodbye sir... or madam... although I refuse to say goodbye to you if you are neither just man or woman because I've never met a hermaphrodite before... please don't leave I want to talk to you...

This btw is the gargantuan (is that even a real word? Ginormous isn't....) blog so go read it if you feel like wasting your life for another half an hour

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